Financing: The Butterfly course will be tuition free and offered as an Erasmus BIP exchange program. NON-EU (international) participants will be financed by a grant from Erasmus KA-171 in accordance with awards. EU participants can be financed via an Erasmus KA-131 grant from the home/sending institution.
Arrival: Students should arrive in Roskilde, Denmark, no later than Sunday, March 23, 2025. The program officially begins on Monday, March 24, and concludes on Friday, April 6.
Venues: Sessions will be held at various locations, with details to be confirmed. The physical gathering in March/April will take place at Zealand, in the city of Roskilde. This BIP will feature physical lectures, reflexive outdoor group activities and group discussions, as well as group gatherings. For specific activities additional venues will be utilized.
Accommodation: To the extent possible a housing offer will be available. Details are currently being finalized and will be provided to participants closer to the event. All accommodation will be located within Roskilde. We advise against booking accommodation in Copenhagen area due to potential commuting challenges and costs.
Transportation: Transportation from Copenhagen Airport to Roskilde will be possible with regular train service from Copenhagen Airport to Roskilde Train station (approx. 40 min.). Local transport in Roskilde won’t be needed (within walking distance).