Erasmus+ is the European Commission’s education and mobility exchange programme which has existed for more than 30 years. The programme is among others aimed at strengthening student mobility as exchange and strengthening the European identity and building international competences among students in higher education across Europe. In 2019 the programme allocated EUR 35,6 million to support projects and support exchange students within EU/Europe (programme countries) or outside Europe/EU (partner countries).
Besides financial support, minimum quality standards to observe and recognition of credits, the Erasmus+ programme also has a strong focus on students proficiency in the European languages (not only “work language” which typically is English). OLS, Online Linguistic Support, is a free of charge offer to outgoing exchange students where you are invited to join for an online language test (work language during mobility) before and after the exchange to trace improved proficiency. If needed, OLS offer an online language course in the work language or alternatively a language course in the language of the destination country if different from the work language. Thus, the Erasmus+ programme contribute to and support the participating students’ development of their proficiency in one or more of the European languages.
Besides a financial contribution to outgoing students to make a study abroad realistic, the Erasmus+ programme also means that your exchange meet the quality requirements and give you the rights set by programme and the charter principles.
Zealand Academy of Technologies and Business is an approved participant in the Erasmus+ programme and holds an Erasmus+ charter from the European Commission. Our Erasmus+ id is: DK KOGE03
See our Erasmus+ Charter approval here
Explore further about Erasmus Plus in FAQ Erasmus Plus