Hire an intern from Zealand
All programmes offered by Zealand are continuously being developed in close cooperation with businesses to ensure that the graduates can meet the business sector’s ever-changing demands. In the day to day learning businesses and real-life- practices are included in the study and learning environment, e.g. as case work or project work. External speakers are also invited to cultivate and give our students different inputs to specific areas or practices and students are often invited to come up with solutions for both established and start-up businesses.
- If you are looking for an intern – Use our internship portal and create a profile and post the internship-position. When you create a profile in the portal – choose EN in the upper right hand corner for english.
- You can also see all the students curriculums posted on the page here. The page is in Danish only, scroll down to see the cv-list.
- All company postings can be seen here.
How to benefit from an intern?
An intern from one of our programmes can bring new input and ideas into a given business environment, and can contribute with a new approach or new knowledge. Internships are unpaid and thus interns don’t burden a company with a financial commitment. Internships vary from programme to programme, from 3 months to 6 months.
Normally, an internship takes place by the student becoming associated with one or more of the regular employees in the business. The student enters into the daily work routine and therefore works on-site at the place of internship during normal working hours.
When a company chooses an intern from Zealand, it gets a professionally competent student who works towards generating concrete solutions. Our students are especially characterized by having well developed intercultural competences, excellent English proficiency, being creative, outgoing and entrepreneuring. Further, students are mature, independent and adventurous.
The practice-based learning approach at Zealand develops students who are used to working in study environments that, as far as possible, resemble the practice that they are educated for. The intern will therefore already be familiar with the working methods of the industry/sector and can use the methods and tools related to it.
We have a mix of both Danish and international students and a company can benefit from having an intern in many ways:
- It will give your company the opportunity to have an enthusiastic student who provides energy to the company while doing the valuable work assignments that your company normally wouldn’t get done due to lack of resources
- International students may provide a unique possibility to develop a new geographical market, being familiar with the local language, culture etc.
- The intern may be a potential future employee in your company, since the internships has proven the intern as a new valuable employee
- Interns can spread the word that your company is a great place to work.
We have students in the area of marketing, finance, sales, service and hospitality, IT, multimedia and logistics. We welcome your cooperation and you are welcome to contact with us if you are interested in learning more about possibilities from an internship. If you already have decided to benefit from having an intern then contact the respective campus for further information.