Academy of Technologies and Business

Internship abroad

There are many compelling reasons to pursue an internship abroad. An international internship enhances your skills and provides a fresh perspective on your education. You’ll face new challenges and experience cultural differences that contribute to both your professional growth and personal development.

An internship abroad uniquely builds your work experience, global outlook, and cultural and social skills. It also demonstrates independence, initiative, and determination in a way that staying within familiar surroundings cannot. These qualities can be documented through your internship experience and leveraged when applying for your next job.

You can choose to travel far to countries and cultures vastly different from what you know, or opt for an internship in a place culturally closer to Denmark. Either way, you’ll discover new sides of yourself and grow both professionally and personally. Doesn’t that sound tempting?

Here are some great reasons to challenge yourself and take on an internship abroad:

  • Strengthen your CV
  • Build an international network
  • Foster personal growth
  • Gain cultural understanding
  • Stand out from the crowd
  • Improve language skills
  • Open doors to an international career
  • Create memories for a lifetime


All students at Zealand have the opportunity to undertake an internship abroad as part of their education. The same requirements apply to internships abroad as to those in Denmark. The specific requirements that you and the company need to be aware of are outlined in the internship guidelines for your program.

Internship abroad mosaic

You can explore which possibilities you have and read more about Internship abroad by consulting the Moodle room: “Kom ud I verden” (which is available for all Zealand students).

Internship partners

Click the map to view details about our internship partners around the world.

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Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Australia. The majority of their internships are in Sydney and Brisbane, but interships are available in other Australian cities as well.

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Our partner Stage can help you with internship in London.

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Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Liverpool.

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Our partner Stage can help you with internship in Berlin.

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Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Indonesia.

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Our partner Irish Education Partners (IEP) can help you with internship in Ireland.

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Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Dublin.

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Our partner RMC can help you with internship in the Maldives.

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Our partner Stage – Malta can help you with internship on Malta.

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Northern Ireland

Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Belfast.

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Our partner Stage can help you with internship in Lisbon.

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Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Glasgow.

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Our partner Sabatica can help you with internship in the Catalonia region, Spain.

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Our partner Spain Internships can help you with internship in Spain, mainly in Madrid and Barcelona.

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Our partner Stage Euro can help you with internship in Barcelona and Madrid.

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Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Thailand.

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United States

Our partner Stage USA can help you with internship in New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and other American cities.

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Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Vietnam.

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Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Saigon and surrounding area.

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Our internship partner Shipcon can help you with internship in Limassol, Cyprus.

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Study Sea

Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Australia. The majority of their internships are in Sydney and Brisbane, but interships are available in other Australian cities as well.

How much does it cost?

Through Study Sea, you can buy a Sydney Internship Package. With this package, Study Sea will help you through the entire process of finding internship in Australia (including help finding an internship company, help with your application, VISA and more). This package costs 1200 Euros (2020) You can read more about the Sydney Internship Package here.

Which study programmes?

Study Sea can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Australia.

For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker/Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/Commerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/Logistics Management
  • Multimediedesigner/ Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Produktionsteknolog
  • Serviceøkonom/Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

Our internship partner Shipcon can help you with internship in Limassol, Cyprus. 

How much does it cost? 

The full package fee for internship up to 3 months is 875 Euros (2021) per month. This fee includes working placement, accommodation and more. For internship longer than 4 months, the full package fee is 775 Euros per month (2021).   

Which study programmes?

Shipcon can help most students across study programmes with internship in Cyprus.

For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker/Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/Commerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/Logistics Management
  • Multimediedesigner/ Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Produktionsteknolog
  • Serviceøkonom/Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

Intern Europe

Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Liverpool.

How much does it cost?

The management fee for internship in Liverpool is 350 EURO (2021)

Which study programmes?

Intern Europe can almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Liverpool.


Our partner Stage can help you with internship in London.

How much does it cost? The placement fee for internships less than six months is 750 EURO (2020). The placement fee for paid internships is 850 EURO (2020)

Which study programmes?

Stage can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in London.

For instance:

  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/ Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

Stage Euro

Our partner Stage can help you with internship in Berlin.

How much does it cost?

The placement fee for internships less than six months is 750 EURO (2020). The placement fee for paid internships is 850 EURO (2020)

Which study programmes?

Stage can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Berlin.

For instance:

  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/ Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

RMC SouthEast Asia

Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Indonesia.

How much does it cost?

The registration fee for internship is 290 EURO (2021). The placement fee for a 3 month internship is 890 EURO (2021)

Which study programmes?

Mainly internships in the area of hospitality (Hotel, tourism and resorts). But it can also be relevant for other students at Zealand like:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom / Commerce Management
  • International handel og markedsføring (PBA) / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management

RMC also offer Management Trainee-programmes for new graduates.


Irish Education Partners

Our partner Irish Education Partners (IEP) can help you with internship in Ireland.

How much does it cost?

The host company placement fee for internship is 425 – 575 EURO (2019)– depending on the length of the internship and whether IEP help you with accommodation or not

Which study programmes?

IEP can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Ireland. For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Digital Konceptudvikling / Digital Concept Development
  • Handelsøkonom / Commerce Mangement
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom / Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesign / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management

Study Sea

Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Dublin.

How much does it cost?

Through Study Sea, you can buy a Dublin internship Package. With this package, Study Sea will help you through the entire process of finding internship in Dublin (Including help finding an internship company, help with your application and more). This package costs 1140 Euros (2021) You can read more about the Dublin internship package here. 

Which study programmes?

Study Sea can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Dublin.

For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/ Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

RMC SouthEast Asia

Our partner RMC can help you with internship in the Maldives.

How much does it cost?

The registration fee for internship is 290 EURO (2021). The placement fee for a 3 month internship is 890 EURO (2021). 

Which study programmes?

Mainly internships in the area of hospitality (Hotel, tourism and resorts). But it can also be relevant for other students at Zealand like:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom / Commerce Management
  • International handel og markedsføring (PBA) / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management

RMC also offer Management Trainee-programmes for new graduates.


Stage – Malta

Our partner Stage – Malta can help you with internship on Malta.

How much does it cost?

The booking fee is 150 EURO (2021). This fee will be refunded at the end of the internship. Depending on the length of the internship, Stage Malta charge an administration fee up to 350 EURO (2021). 

Which study programmes?

Stage Malta can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship on Malta.

For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker / Computer Science
  • Finansøkonom
  • International handel og markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Jordbrugsteknolog
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesign / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Procesteknolog
  • Serviceøkonom / Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development
Northern Ireland

Intern Europe

Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Belfast.

How much does it cost?

The management fee for internship in Belfast is 350 EURO (2021).

Which study programmes?

Intern Europe can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Belfast.


Stage Euro

Our partner Stage can help you with internship in Lisbon.

How much does it cost?

The placement fee for internships less than six months is 750 EURO (2020). The placement fee for paid internship is 850 EURO (2020).

Which study programmes?

Stage can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Lisbon.

For instance:

  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/ Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

Intern Europe

Our partner Intern Europe can help you with internship in Glasgow.

How much does it cost?

The management fee for internship in Glasgow is 350 EURO (2021).

Which study programmes?

Intern Europe can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Glasgow.


Internships in Spain

Our partner can help you with internship in the Catalonia region, Spain.

How much does it cost?

The placement fee for internship less than six months is 650 Euro (2019).

Which study programmes?

We can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Catalonia.

For instance:

  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Laborant
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

Spain internships

Our partner Spain Internships can help you with internship in Spain, mainly in Madrid and Barcelona.

How much does it cost?

The placement fee for internships via Span Internships is 590 EURO (2021). This includes placement, help with motivational letter and help with the internship contract.

Which study programmes?

Spain Internships can help almost all Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Spain.

Stage Euro

Our partner Stage Euro can help you with internship in Barcelona and Madrid.

How much does it cost?

The placement fee for unpaid internship is 750 Euro (2021). The placement fee for paid internship is 850 Euro (2021). This is the case for internship in both Madrid and Barcelona

Which study programmes?

Stage can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Barcelona and Madrid.

For instance:

  • Datamatiker/ Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development/
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/ Commcerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/ Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom/ Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesigner / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Serviceøkonom/ Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

RMC SouthEast Asia

Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Thailand.

How much does it cost?

The registration fee for internship is 290 EURO (2021). The placement fee for a 3-month internship is 890 EURO (2021).

Which study programmes?

Mainly internships in the area of hospitality (Hotel, tourism and resorts). But it can also be relevant for other students at Zealand like:

  • Handelsøkonom / Commerce Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management
  • International handel og markedsføring (PBA) / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Administrationsøkonom

RMC also offer Management Trainee-programmes for new graduates.

United States

Stage USA

Our partner Stage USA can help you with internship in New York, Miami, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and other American cities.

How much does it cost?

The fee for internship less than 6 months is 895 EURO (2021) for unpaid internship and 1250 EURO (2021) for paid internship. This fee includes placement, housing support, help with visa, insurance and more.

Which study programmes?  

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker / Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling / Digital Concept Development
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom /Commerce Management
  • International handel og markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom / Logistics Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management
  • Multimediedesign / Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Procesteknolog
  • Serviceøkonom / Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development

RMC SouthEast Asia

Our partner RMC can help you with internship in Vietnam.

How much does it cost?

The registration fee for internship is 290 EURO (2021). The placement fee for a 3 month internship is 890 EURO (2021)

Which study programmes?

Mainly internships in the area of hospitality (Hotel, tourism and resorts). But it can also be relevant for other students at Zealand like:

  • Handelsøkonom / Commerce Management
  • Markedsføringsøkonom / Marketing Management
  • International handel og markedsføring (PBA) / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Administrationsøkonom

RMC also offer Management Trainee-programmes for new graduates.

Study Sea

Our partner Study Sea can help you with internship in Saigon and surrounding area.

How much does it cost?

Through Study Sea, you can buy a Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) internship Package. With this package, Study Sea will help you through the entire process of finding internship in Saigon (including help finding an internship company, help with your application, VISA and more). This package costs 870 Euros (2021) You can read more about the HCMC internship package here.

Which study programmes?

Study Sea can help most Zealand students across study programmes with internship in Saigon or surrounding area.

For instance:

  • Administrationsøkonom
  • Datamatiker/Computer Science
  • Digital Konceptudvikling/ Digital Concept Development
  • Finansøkonom
  • Handelsøkonom/Commerce Management
  • International Handel og Markedsføring / International Sales and Marketing Management
  • Logistikøkonom/Logistics Management
  • Multimediedesigner/ Multimedia Design and Communication
  • Produktionsteknolog
  • Serviceøkonom/Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Web Development


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