Update: February 14, 2022
“The local restrictions have ended in Denmark and the entry requirements have been changed.
This means that you will not have to wear a face mask or show corona passport when entering Zealand.
You can read more about Covid-19 in Denmark here: Coronasmitte ENGLISH”
Need a Corona test?
Please find test centers for Corona tests at COVID19 Quick Test Centres – Copenhagen Medical or Find COVID-19 test centre (coronasmitte.dk)
Travelling to Denmark?
Read about the current travel restrictions for non-residents and what to expect concerning Corona – Travel rules”
Update: January 13, 2022
A valid corona passport and wearing of masks or visors at Zealand are required until 31 January
The Danish government has extended a number of measures aimed at reducing the rate of COVID-19 infection in society.
It means that students, staff and visitors must present a valid corona passport, when attending Zealand. Also, students, staff and visitors are required to wear a mask or visor, when moving through indoor communal areas, for example canteens, but not when attending teaching or sitting exams.
Most exams are online
As recommended by government, most exams this winter continues to be held online. You will find information on your exams in WiseFlow.
Study start is physical – at campus
Intro programs and teaching will be held at campus, but organized in fixed teams, where possible, to reduce the spread of COVOD-19.
Need a free corona quick test?
Please find quick test centers for free corona tests – https://www.cphmed.com/b2c-home-english/covid19-quick-test-centres/?lang=en
Travelling to Denmark?
Read about the current travel restrictions for non-residents and what to expect concerning corona – https://en.coronasmitte.dk/travel-rules
Update: December 17, 2021
Oral exams at Zealand will be held online – Exams in laboratory or other exams which requires physical presence are exempted from this
Due to the increasing spread of Covid, Zealand has decided that all oral exams until February 2022 will be held online (including re-exams). This provides us with the opportunity to plan and execute exams in a safe environment.
You get access to the zoom-link to the online exam via WISEflow under “General Material” – see guidelines for online/digital exam. If you are ill at the exam fill out this form.
WISEflow will tell, if your exam is physical at campus.
Few oral exams – such as laboratory exams and others – can be difficult to conduct online and these will be held physically at campus. Via your WISEflow you can see if your exam is physically on campus.
If you are infected with Covid (with or without symptoms) or are near contact to an infected you must not show up for the exam, but you should contact us at planlaegning@zealand.dkor phone 5076 2880.
Written sit-in exams are online
All written sit-in exams are online until the end of this semester (including re-exams). Are you sick for exam, please fill out this form.
You must log on to Zoom before your written sit-in exam – see guidelines for online/digital exam. If you are ill at the exam fill out this form.
Attend classes at campus as usual
For new, teaching continues at campus, to ensure the best conditions for teaching and social wellbeing of students.
You must present a valid corona passport/COVID certificate in order to enter campus. Face masks are not required, but please use sanitizer and keep your distance, when possible.
Update: November 29, 2021
Spot checks on Corona Passports
Due to the current Covid-19 situation, all students and employees must present a valid corona passport in order to enter Zealand.
We are required to do spot checks on both students and employees. Spot checks will be run by an external company, randomly at our different campuses. We expect spot checks to start up next week.
Please note, that Corona testing is not possible at Zealand. Find the nearest test center here https://en.coronasmitte.dk/find-covid-19-test-center
Visit this webpage for more info: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/
Update: November 26, 2021
Important message to our current international students:
Remember your corona passport on Monday!
The government has adopted a number of new restrictions in connection with corona infection, which also affect you as a student in Zealand:
From Monday 29th of November, all students and employees must present a valid corona passport in order to enter Zealand.
We received the message from the authorities a few hours ago and we know it is a short notice.
As soon as we know more, we communicate it out in the right channels: Moodle, website and the student life groups on Facebook.
Please visit this webpage for more info: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/
Update: November 1, 2021
Travelling to Denmark from abroad?
Please visit https://en.coronasmitte.dk/travel-rules/covidtravelrules before planning to go to Denmark.
Update: August 11, 2021
Update on your study start and CORONA/ COVID-19 entry restrictions to be observed for entry to Denmark.
Shortly you will be on your way to Denmark and below information is intended to supplement information already forwarded to you. Further, to update you on the corona entry restrictions you must observe for entry to Denmark.
The status (colour) of your present country of residence
Denmark has divided the world into four types of countries/regions, Red, Orange, Yellow and Green. When you enter Denmark, the country or region that you are from – and which belongs to one of the categories: green, yellow, orange or red – will determine which and how restrictions apply to you. You find the restrictions elaborated here: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/rules-and-regulations/entry-into-denmark
The colours of the individual countries and regions are revised on a weekly basis and are based on objective criteria and the health situation in the relevant countries/regions. You find the list of countries here: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/rules-and-regulations/entry-into-denmark/categorization-of-countries
Green, Yellow and Orange countries
Only students from green, yellow and orange countries are able to travel to Denmark at present. If you belong to an orange country you will need a letter from ZEALAND stating that you have a “worthy purpose” of entry to Denmark. We will shortly send you such letter to proof a “worthy purpose”. You need to print it and show it to any authorities, if needed for entry to Denmark.
At present, the following restrictions apply according to country category:
ZEALAND do recommend you to have a negative PCR test no more than 72 hours old before leaving your home country – however not a requirement.
Upon arrival to your destination airport in Denmark you need to do another test. In Copenhagen – follow signs – address of the test site is:
Ellehammersvej 36
2770 Kastrup
If you are required to do self-isolation (yellow countries, if a positive test upon arrival and ALL orange country entries despite test result) then it is your own responsibility and the following apply:
- You must, without undue delay, isolate at an isolation site for 10 days. As a general rule, you must not leave the isolation site before the end of the 10-day period.
However, the mandatory isolation may be prematurely broken after obtaining a negative PCR test taken no earlier than the fourth day after entry into Denmark. - Self-isolation will be at your own costs and must be organized by yourself
- There are no specific requirements regarding the physical properties of the isolation site why you may isolate in your home or where you were otherwise planning to stay after entry into Denmark.
However it is important that the site you choose can facilitate a self-isolation (e.g. to have meals etc) since you cannot leave the site before the isolation period is done.
We do recommend you to update yourself on entry procedures here: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/rules-and-regulations/entry-into-denmark
If you have any further questions or in case you need any further assistance let us know.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at Zealand shortly.
Update: June 11, 2021
Corona restrictions will be phased out
Denmark is gradually opening, which means that from:
14 June – restrictions will be reduced to a basis level
o Requirements to carry face mask or face shield is removed
o Recommendations to keep a 1-2-meter distance at all educational institutions is removed.
1. August:
o Requirements demanding students to show a negative test result when entering Zealand’s building will cancelled.
o Requirements demanding educational institutions to have own test capacity is removed.
Please notice that various rules apply to travels to Denmark depending on how you arrive in Denmark and your ties with or your purpose of entering Denmark, you can read more at: entry into Denmark.
If you have questions regarding corona you are more than welcome to contact us at corona@zealand.dk
Update: April 29, 2021
The Danish borders are still closed for most of our international students
The Danish society is gradually re-opening. However, the covid-19 situation is still severe in many countries. Students from so-called “red” countries are not allowed to enter Denmark. The list of “red” countries is regularly updated. We do not expect ALL our international students to be allowed to enter Denmark this semester.
However, our main priority is to offer teaching for ALL international students. Zealand therefore prioritizes online teaching and exams for international classes. We cannot offer simultaneous online and physical teaching for our international classes, since this would require double teaching resources.
Students from so-called “orange” countries or “orange” Nordic regions are only allowed to enter if they have a worthy purpose for entering Denmark. Unfortunately, online classes and exams are NOT considered a worthy purpose for entering Denmark. We regret the situation; we know, that you would like to enter Denmark as soon as possible.
Please see this page for an updated list of “red” and “orange” countries
We hope for a broad opening of the Danish borders this summer – and look forward to welcoming you on campus next semester!
Update: April 8, 2021
Continued online teaching at international programmes for the rest of this semester
Most of our international students are still abroad and have difficulties entering Denmark right now.
Therefore, we offer online teaching at all international programme until the summer holidays.
All exams in this semester will also be held online via Zoom. This means that you do not have to come to Denmark in order for you to finish this semester.
You can read more about entry to Denmark here: Entry to Denmark
If you attend a physical meeting at campus, please be aware of the following reguirements
- Negative corona test (PCR or quick test) which is taken within the last 72 hours or
- Positive corona test, which is between 2 and 12 weeks old or
- Documentation of vaccination
Both PCR test (mouth) and antigen test (quick test in nose) is OK. You can use www.sundhed.dk or a printed PDF as documentation for your test result.
Please note, that you must wear a face mask at campus and keep your distance.
If you study at our Danish programmes, you will be notified by your teacher or the head of studies if some of your classes are held physically at Zealand.
If you have questions you are welcome to contact us at corona@zealand.dk
Update: March 25, 2021
Zealand continues offering online teaching – at international programmes – for the rest of this semester
The Danish Government is gradually opening up the Danish society after the corona lockdown. We know that most of our students at the international programmes are abroad and have difficulties entering Denmark right now.
Therefore, we offer online teaching at all international programme until the summer holidays. All exams in this semester will also be held online via Zoom. This means that you do not have to come to Denmark in order for you to finish this semester.
You can read more about entry to Denmark here: Entry to Denmark
In you have questions you are welcome to contact us at corona@zealand.dk
If you study at our Danish programmes, you will be notified by your teacher or the head of studies if some of your classes are held physically at Zealand.
Update: February 25, 2021
Zealand still locked down – so far until Easter
The Danish society now faces a gradual opening. However, the national Covid-19 restrictions to higher education in this region have been extended until April 5th. Depending on the Covid-19 situation, the restrictions migth be extended further.
Zealand campuses are still closed. We continue with online teaching and exams.
Read more about the Danish Covid-19 restrictions here: https://en.coronasmitte.dk/
Update: February 9, 2021
COVID-19 lockdown of Denmark
Denmark is currently facing a strict lockdown due to Covid-19. National restrictions – including entry into Denmark – have been extended to maintain control of the epidemic. Get a quick overview of all applicable measures and restrictions introduced to prevent the spread of COVID-19 here
Zealand offers online teaching
The national restrictions to higher education are expected to last for some time. Our campuses are closed; however, we still offer online teaching and exams for all our programs. We will keep you updated with information about when our campuses reopen and when we can expect a transition period from online to physical teaching.
Update: January 14, 2021
New, tightened travel restrictions when travelling to Denmark
Due to the Covid situation in Denmark, the Government has decided to tighten its travel guidelines for all destinations worldwide – so far.
The guidelines are tightened regarding who can enter Denmark. The Government have also imposed a flight ban on transportation of all passengers who are unable to present a negative Covid-19 test.
Travellers with certain “worthy purposes” can enter Denmark. The rules regarding a worthy purpose will also be tightened until further notice.
The following applies to Zealand students:
- Students with residence in Denmark are still allowed entry to Denmark.
- Students without residence in Denmark who fulfils a worthy purpose (such as work in Denmark) will still have the opportunity to enter Denmark. Please note that special rules apply to travellers coming from United Kingdom and South Africa.
- Being a student (without residence in Denmark or one of the other worthy purposes) is not recognized as a worthy purpose and will not allow entry into Denmark.
- You are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than 24 hours before entry to Denmark.
With a valid residence permit, you can still enter Denmark
Persons holding a valid residence permit to Denmark can enter Denmark. Please note, that if you enter by plane, you are required to present a negative COVID-19 test, taken no more than 24 hours before boarding the plane abroad.
You are also urged to follow the travel advice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel advice – https://um.dk/en – and the recommendation on self-isolation, when you return to Denmark.
For further information, please see the official Danish Covid website.
For more information in English, please read the official Covid-19 site here.
Update: January 7, 2021
Information regarding exams in January / February 2021 and classes spring 2021 at Zealand
Due to Corona restrictions, the following decisions have been made that apply to classes and exams at Zealand during the spring of 2021.
Classes and study start in winter 2021
When students begin or return to their studies, all classes will be taught digitally via Zoom. This means there will be online teaching at all courses.
There may be very few exceptions, for instance in the laboratory, where classes are held physically. In these cases, you will be notified by your teacher or Programme Director.
Exams January 2021 / February 2021
- Most oral exams will be held digitally – if your exams are held physically on your location, you will be notified via Wiseflow.
- Most written exams will be held digitally via Zoom – if your exams are held physically on your location, you will be notified via Wiseflow.
Unless you are instructed otherwise by your teacher, study secretary, or Programme Director, you should continue your education online.
If you have any questions regarding corona, please contact us at corona@zealand.dk.
Update: December 18, 2020
Latest update on Danish Covid-19 restrictions when travelling abroad during Christmas holidays.
If you travel to a so-called “high risk country” during holidays, you must isolate yourself for 10 days after entering Denmark, meaning that you cannot show up at campus.
Please check current status for “high risk countries”
Alternatively, you can take a free Corona test on day 4 after entering Denmark. If the test is negative, you are allowed to show up at campus. You can book free corona test here.
For our current students, please note that your programme might start up from middle of January. Your find your schedule in UMS from the beginning of January.
For our new students, we look forward to welcome your at your study programme in the first week of February. You will find information about your study start, where to show up the first day etc. on our student platform Moodle. You will receive login information to Moodle via text message – about 3 weeks before study start.
Happy holidays to you all!
Update: December 10, 2020
Næstved, Nykøbing F. and Holbæk are also subject to new corona restrictions.
Exams at Zealand will be held in accordance with the restrictions imposed on Zealand from 9 and 11 December 2020. This will affect teaching and exams.
This means following for exams at Zealand:
- All oral exams (full time programmes) will be held digitally – if your exams is held physically on your location you will be notified via Wiseflow.
- All written exams will be held digitally via Zoom – if your exams are held physically on your location, you will be notified via Wiseflow.
- For now this is valid until 1 February 2021.
Special cases – written exams
If you are unable to take a written exam because of Covid-19, you can apply to take the written sit-in exams via Zoom. This is only made available to students who fulfill one of the following conditions:
- I am tested positive with Covid-19, but wish to take the exam
- I am in isolation or quarantine (due to close contact who is infected or awaiting test-result etc.)
- I live in a household with a person in the risk group
- I am abroad (outside Denmark) or I quarantine after travelling outside Denmark
- You have to apply, via a form, in order to take the exam digitally. You can find the form here.
The form must be send to planlaegning@zealand.dk as soon as possible and no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the exam.
This means that if you are going home for Christmas (outside Denmark) and are not able to come back in time for the exam due to restrictions etc., you can apply with a statement of truth to take the exam digitally.
As far as it is possible teaching will be held digitally via Zoom. There can be exceptions such as teaching in laboratories. You can find information about your teaching at Moodle.
Online teaching will apply until the end of this semester.
You can go home for Christmas! You can take all of your exams online
Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions, most of the winter exams at Zealand are held digitally. This means that you can take your exams online from your home country via Zoom – this goes for both oral and written exams.
NB! Due to practical reasons, SOME exams might be held physically. If this is the case you will be notifies via Wiseflow – but you do not have to hurry back to Denmark.
- You can do the exam online via Zoom – you just have to fill out a statement of truth, which you will find here: https://zealand.com/digitalexams/. You must fill out the form and send it to planlaegning@zealand.dk no later than the day before the exam.
- If you arrive in Denmark less than 14 days before the exam you can also take the exam online due to the risk of Covid-19 contagion. Remember to fill out “the statement of truth” – https://zealand.com/digitalexams/
Return to Denmark 14 days before study start
Due to Covid-19 you must, according to the Danish authorities, quarantine for 14 days when you return to Denmark from abroad. This also goes for study start.
- You must not show up at your location until you have been in Denmark for 14 days
- If you wish to be ready in Denmark for study start you must book your ticket back to Denmark so that you arrive at least 14 days before study start
- If you come to Denmark less than 14 days to study start you must wait to join teaching until the 14 days of quarantine is over
Update: December 9, 2020
You can go home for Christmas! You can take all of your exams online.
Due to the new Covid-19 restrictions, most of the winter exams at Zealand are held digitally. This means that you can take your exams online from your home country via Zoom – this goes for both oral and written exams.
NB! For practical reasons, SOME exams might be held physically. If this is the case, you will be notifies via Wiseflow – but you do not have to hurry back to Denmark.
- You can do the exam online via Zoom – you just have to fill out a statement of truth, which you will find here: https://zealand.com/digitalexams/. You must fill out the form and send it to planlaegning@zealand.dk no later than the day before the exam.
- If you arrive in Denmark less than 14 days before the exam you can also take the exam online due to the risk of Covid-19 contagion. Remember to fill out “the statement of truth” – https://zealand.com/digitalexams/
Return to Denmark 14 days before study start
Due to Covid-19 you must, in accordance with Danish regulations, quarantine for 14 days when you return to Denmark from abroad. This also applies for study start.
- You must not show up at your location until you have been in Denmark for 14 days
- If you wish to be ready in Denmark for study start you must book your ticket back to Denmark at least 14 days before study start.
- If you come to Denmark less than 14 days to study start you must wait to join teaching until the 14 days of quarantine is over.
Update: December 7, 2020
New corona restrictions at Zealand – including exams
Exams at Zealand will be held in accordance with the restrictions imposed on Zealand from 9 December 2020. This will affect teaching and exams.
This means following for the exams at Zealand:
- All oral exams will be held digitally (there can be few exceptions)– if your exams is held physically on your location you will be notified via Wiseflow.
- All written exams will digitally via Zoom (there can be few exceptions)– if your exams is held physically on your location you will be notified via Wiseflow.
For now this is valid until 1 February 2021.
Special cases – written exams
In those cases where written exams cannot be converted to digital exams, students with who cannot join the exams because of corona can apply to to take the written sit-in exams via Zoom.
If you need to make use of the opportunity to take the written sit-in exam via Zoom, your case must fulfil one of following conditions:
- I am tested positive with Covid-19, but wish take the exam
- I am in isolation or quarantine (due to close contact who is infected or awaiting test-result etc.)
- I live in a household with a person in the risk group
- I am abroad (outside Denmark) or I quarantine after travelling outside Denmark
You have to apply, via a form, in order to take the exam digitally. You find the form here: https://zealand.com/digitalexams/
The form must be send to planlaegning@zealand.dk as soon as possible and no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the exam.
This means that if you are going home for Christmas (outside Denmark) and are not able to come back to the exam due to restrictions etc. you can apply with the statement of truth to take the exam digitally.
Teaching – only applicable for Køge, Slagelse and Roskilde
As far as it is possible teaching at Køge, Slagelse and Roskilde will be held digitally via Zoom. There can be exceptions such as teaching in laboratories. You can find information about your teaching at moodle.
Online teaching in Køge and Roskilde will apply until the end of this semester.
Update: December 4, 2020
New initiatives regarding exams at Zealand
Exams at Zealand will be held in accordance with the guidelines made for the higher educational institutions in the capital area.
This means following for the exams at Zealand:
- All oral exams (full time programmes) will be held digitally – if your exams is held physically on your location you will be notified via Wiseflow.
- All written exams will be held physically on your location. If you written exams is held digitally, you will be notified via Wiseflow.
For now this is valid until 1 February 2021.
Special cases – written exams
Because of the corona situation there might be cases where some students have to take the written sit-in exams via Zoom.
If you need to make use of the opportunity to take the written sit-in exam via Zoom, your case must fulfil one of following conditions:
- I am tested positive with Covid-19, but wish take the exam
- I am in isolation or quarantine (due to close contact who is infected or awaiting test-result etc.)
- I live in a household with a person in the risk group
- I am abroad (outside Denmark) or I quarantine after travelling outside Denmark
You have to apply, via a form, in order to take the exam digitally. You find the form here: https://zealand.com/digitalexams/
The form must be send to planlaegning@zealand.dk as soon as possible and no later than 8:00 AM on the day of the exam.
Teaching – only applicable for Køge and Roskilde
As far as it is possible teaching at Køge and Roskilde will be held digitally via Zoom. There can be exceptions such as teaching in laboratories. You can find information about your teaching at moodle.
Online teaching in Køge and Roskilde will apply until the end of this semester.
Update: October 25, 2020
The Danish government has sharpened the COVID-19 requirements, and they now applies until 2 January 2021.
The new requirements are:
- From Thursday 29 October everybody must use face masks at all Zealand’s common areas (in the halls and cafeteria) in classes we don’t need to carry face masks.
Teachers who has more than two different classes during one day must carry face - Ban on gatherings has been reduced to 10 people (this does not apply for teaching).
Students must bring their own face masks.
We will continue handling the situation as until now, which means that:
A. Teaching will continue physically – because we wish that our students meet physically for teaching. It is possible to use zoom, if it is assessed that there are too many in the classroom.
B. All employees who must be present at Zealand to carry out teaching should meet at Zealand (teachers and local Studieservice). The local management decides in consultation with the employees if physical presence is necessary.
C. Administrative employees (primarily Rektorat) should work from home – we recommend that employees work from whenever it is possible.
Take care of yourself and remember to keep your distance to each other.
Update: October 8, 2020
Are you leaving Denmark during your Autumn break?
Autumn break is getting closer and more of you might have plans about leaving Denmark. Before you leave Denmark, it is important that you acquaint yourself with the authorities’ travel recommendations – not least regarding quarantine in order to prevent the spread of the corona disease.
All countries outside Europe – and most countries in Europe – is at the moment “not-approved” (orange). This means that you after your return must quarantine for 14 days, where you are not allowed to join the teaching (physically) at Zealand. Some “yellow” countries have regional restrictions – and also requirements of quarantine.
Read more here: https://um.dk/en/travel-and-residence/coronavirus-covid-19/
We take care of each other at Zealand.
Update: September 18, 2020
Your teaching continues physically at Zealand
The Danish government recommends that teaching at the higher education institutions remains open for physical teaching and Zealand follow these recommendations. This means that you should keep attending classes physically at your study programme.
Are you infected, have symptoms of Covid-19 or have been defined as a near contact to an infected, you should not go to class.
If you have been infected with Covid-19 you must contact us at 50761038 (for enquiries in Danish) or 50762828 (for enquiries in English).
If you have general questions regarding Covid-19 you can contact corona@zealand.dk.
Update: September 14, 2020
We do all we can in order to take care of each other at Zealand – and we react with due diligence
We are all still focused at delivering teaching in safe environment for both students and employees. When we need to take extra precautions it is also important that we react with due diligence: Last week we had to send three classes home in Næstved and Slagelse after a student had been infected with corona. The situation was handled smoothly by the local management and HR. They made sure to give advice, track disease etc. We follow the situation closely and will inform you, if it evolves.
Update: August 17, 2020
In Mid-August, we open up for all teaching activities at Zealand.
It is still important that we try to protect each other and ourselves against the danger of contamination.
General Rules
Students must go direct to their classrooms. During the day, students must stay in their classrooms or go outside.
Students can socialise with students from their own class, but must avoid socialising with students from other classes.
Students must keep a distance of minimum 1 meter from students from other classes and teachers.
Inside the classroom, students should also keep a distance of 1 meter. If this is not possible due to limited space, then just try to keep as much distance as possible.
Hygiene requirements
- Wash your hands often or use hand sanitiser
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow
- Do not shake hands, hug or kiss as a greeting – limit physical contact
- Keep your distance and ask others to be considerate
- When you arrive to the building and leave it, hands must be sanitised. Sanitiser is put up at all entrances and exits.
- Try to avoid touching your face with your hands
- Please remain in the rooms designated for teaching, or outside; do not go elsewhere
All employees and students with Covid-19
If you are ill or feel ill, you should stay at home and call your doctor. Your doctor will refer you to a corona test. You will get the result within few days.
If you do not exhibit any symptoms after testing positive for Covid-19, your self-isolation must last for 7 days.
If you exhibit symptoms after testing positive for Covid-19, your isolation must continue until your symptoms have disappeared plus an additional 48 hours.
You must write to corona@zealand.dk and inform Zealand about possible contagion. You can also call on the phone number 5076 1038. This allows us to take the necessary steps toprevent a possible spread of the infectious disease.
Covid-19 risk groups
What do I do if I have physical contact with a person who belongs to the risk group, or if I am a part of the risk group?
The Danish Health Authority’s recommendation is that you can study and go to work. However, we might have to take extra precautions in some cases (please read more at www.sst.dk).
You can also find guidance and direction by contacting corona@zealand.dk.
In Slagelse and Nykøbing you must follow the directions given by ZBC and Absalon regarding use of the cafeteria. The cafeterias in Roskilde, Næstved and Køge will open mid-August/primo-September.
Please follow the local directions when using the cafeterias.
Other common areas
You should stay in your classroom or outside the building as much as possible during the day. If you find it necessary to stay in the common areas, you must make sure to keep a distance of at least 1 meter to students from other classes.
Local guidelines and directions, which apply to a few classes or classrooms
There might be local guidelines regarding the use of laboratories, workshops etc. The local management will hand out local guidelines and directions.
Further information:
- Danish authorities recommendations: Hotline +45 7020 0233 or coronasmitte.dk
- The Danish Health Authority’s recommendations: sst.dk.
- The Ministry of Higher Education and Science Q&A: https://ufm.dk/en/education/higher-education/information-about-covid-19-corona-virus/questions-and-answers
If you have any questions about Covid-19, please contact us at corona@zealand.dk,
Update: June 26, 2020
All of our programmes will open up again after the summer holidays
In August, we will reopen all our programmes at Zealand. This means that you, as student, can show up at one of five locations.
You are allowed to gather with you classmates, but you must avoid mixing with the other classes, one of the reasons for these restrictions is that tracing theinfectious disease can be limited to one class.
On common areas – such as the cafeteria etc. – you must try to eat in small groups and keep a distance of one meter to other students.
We will make sure that signposting, hand sanitizer and other information about guidelines are visible and available when you start again.
These guidelines may be changed during the summer, but we expect that above-mentioned will apply for the autumn teaching.
We wish you all a good summer vacation – and we look forward to see you again after the holidays.
Best Regards,
Update: June 8, 2020
Addendum: June 11, 2020
Are you planning a summer vacation abroad? Please make sure you’re back 14 days before you go back to your studies.
Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Danish Foreign Ministry have advised against any unnecessary travel until August 31st, 2020. This includes travel to any place in the world except Iceland, Norway, and Germany.
If you decide to travel abroad anyway, you should remain quarantined for 14 days upon your return to Denmark. That also applies if you travel to cities with more than 750,000 inhabitants in Iceland, Norway, and Germany.
This means, that you are not allowed on campus until 14 days after your return from vacation abroad (except Iceland, Norway, and Germany). Plan to return from your holidays 14 days before starting your studies.
Update: May 25, 2020
Dear Zealand students,
On Wednesday last week, the government parties of Denmark agreed to open the country further. As part of the agreement, certain types of educations and exams can now be conducted in a physical space.
At Zealand, however, we agree with our Minister that it would create more confusion than good if we were to change our plans for the currently scheduled lessons and exams this close to the end of the semester.
For that reason, we are sticking to our plan that all lessons and exams are carried out digitally for the rest of the semester. The only exceptions are programmes where access to laboratories or workshops are required. You will be contacted directly if this applies to you. Every student will be notified of their exam dates via their Zealand email address.
As a side note, we applaud our Minister Ane-Halsboe Jørgensen for commending all you students for how you have handled this situation. When the agreement was presented on Wednesday, she said, “There will continue to be many students who will have to finish their semester at home, and to them I say: I am so absolutely impressed with how you have been able to adapt and continue to work hard, even if the course of your study suddenly changed dramatically in the span of a few days. You have shown a great sense of community, and you have shown the world that students in Denmark take responsibility not just for their own education but for society in general.”
Ulla Skaarup
Update: May 19, 2020
Partial re-opening of Zealand: Which programmes can return to Zealand and which must remain closed?
The government’s agreement of a partial re-opening in phase 2 only applies to Zealand’s workshop- and laboratory-based programmes as well as some parts of our continuing educations. In other words; those programmes and courses, which require physical attendance in order to learn the course material.
The programmes, which can return to Zealand’s buildings are Laborant, Procesteknolog, Jordbrugsteknolog, Produktionsteknolog, El-Installatør, VVS-Installatør, Bygningskonstruktør and Datamatiker (Computer Science) as well as few courses at continuing education. Students at courses with physical attendance will be contacted directly by the head of studies. The physical re-opening will be carried out in accordance to the guidelines defined by the Danish Health Authority.
All other programmes must continue with digital teaching probably until the summer holidays. This also means that exams will be digital as well. In this way Zealand’s students and the other business academies will contribute to limit the reproduction rate of the virus in Denmark.
The Danish government has announced that if the reproduction rate of the virus stays at a tolerable level they expect that all institutions of further education can open physically after the summer holidays. There is still no clarification as regards to opening of the Danish borders.
We know that you can get tired or frustrated about studying from your home, and we know that a lot of our students feel insecure when it comes to having digital exams. We are constantly discussing possible solutions and working on ideas on how to ease the situation. Please contact your teacher or call/write your student counsellor (phone: +45 5076 2680 or e-mail: studievejledning@zealand.dk) if you need to talk to someone.
Update: May 18, 2020
Regarding reopening of the Danish borders
Due to uncertainty regarding reopening of the Danish borders, following conditions apply for admission of international students September 2020:
- Zealand expects physical reopening of the institution after the summer holidays which means that all international programs will have normal teaching. Here applies standard terms of payment for NON EU students.
- If the Danish authorities do not allow entry of international students as of 1 September 2020, Zealand will carry out teaching digitally. We have gained lots of experience with digital teaching during the physical lockdown of Zealand this spring.
- If the Danish authorities only allows entry for some groups of international students as of 1 September 2020, and therefore maybe not all of our international students, Zealand will carry out teaching both digitally and physically for the affected programs.
- If the Danish authorities does allow entry for Zealand’s international students as of 15 October 2020 – and there is no clarification of when the students can enter Denmark – following applies:
- NON EU students, whom cannot enter Denmark, will be reimbursed of the semester fee (minus administrative fee) or they will get assurance of a student place at next study start.
- EU students whom cannot enter Denmark will get assurance of a student place at next study start.
- NB! In both cases Zealand does not reimburse other expenses connected to study start, such as books, IT equipment etc.
Update: May 8, 2020
Restricted re-opening of Zealand
The Danish Prime Minister has now announced phase 2 of the re-opening of Denmark. For us, and other institutions of further education, this means that programmes with “teaching and exams which requires
physical presence” can access Zealand buildings – provided that the health related steps are followed. Zealand has prioritised the programmes, which needs access to workshops and laboratories in order to finish the exams within the semester.
This gradual opening of Zealand is therefore very limited and those students who are not enrolled at the prioritised programmes must still study from home.
In other words:
Zealand as institution is still closed
- Students at non-workshop-based programmes must finish the semester with digital exams
- Students enrolled at programmes which require workshop- or laboratory access will be able to complete the activities physically at Zealand
- Students and employees to whom this concern will be contacted directly by their Head of Studies
Best regards
Ulla Skaarup, Rector
Until the Danish government and authorities tell us to do otherwise we will continue our digital teaching and feedback. We are happy to see that you are all participating your studies, as we are well aware that it can be tiring and a little lonely when most of your contact with classmates and teachers is through a screen. If you have trouble with following courses online, if you feel lonely in your student life, or if you are worried about your exams, then you are more than welcome to contact your student counsellor or teacher.
Our goal is still that all your exams will be held this semester in order for you to finish your education or be able to continue to next semester after the summer holidays.
We are working on a plan on how to open Zealand up again – but how and when it will happen depends on the recommendations from the Danish government and authorities. We will inform you on Moodle when we know more.
Best Regards,
Ulla Skaarup, Rector
Update: April 7, 2020
The physical lock down of Zealand continues due to the Corona virus. The government has decided to continue the lock down until May 10. The digital teaching continues. We still expect to complete the exams this semester. Please consult Moodle for updates.
Update: April 3, 2020
Happy Easter
– We will continue online after Easter
We are all about to go on Easter break and before we all start the holidays we can announce that we will not open up our buildings on 14 April 2020.
We will continue teaching from home after Easter and we expect that Zealand will be closed down for at least 14 days after Easter.
All activities (teaching and exams) will, until you hear differently, be held online and our focus is to secure that all students – also those currently in their home country – are able to follow teaching and able to finish their exams within the end of this semester
We follow the directions and guidelines given by the Danish authorities and we will inform you when we open our buildings up again and how we do it. Students will be informed when they can enter Zealand’s buildings again.
Remember that if you have questions related to COVID-19 you can address them at corona@zealand.dk.
We will provide you with information on Moodle and Zealand.com continuously.
Best regards,
Ulla Skaarup, Rector
Update: March 31, 2020
Information regarding exams at Zealand
Dear Student at Zealand.
Zealand is still closed down, and all your teaching is now online via Moodle and Zoom. If the lock down continues after Easter, your exams will be held as online exams or postponed to later in the semester.
We are trying to organize your exams so that you can finish your semester.
- Most exams will be held on the same date and time as originally planned
- For those exams which have already been postponed – a new exam date will be announced very soon
- Oral exams are held digitally – via Zoom – se guidelines here
- Written exams are held digitally – via Wiseflow
- Practical exams, which for example requires laboratory equipment, will postponed to the end of the semester
- Written sit-in exams will be postposed, if they cannot be held with digital invigilation – to the end of the semester
We follow the government’s guidelines continuously and will inform you about the specific exams.
Please remember to orientate yourself at Moodle.
Update: March 23, 2020
Lockdown extended
Zealand follows the new guidelines from the Danish government and continues the lock down of all physical activity at Zealand until 13 April 2020.
We are still working at full throttle to ensure that you get the best teaching online.
We are also working hard to prepare the coming exams, if these are going to be held online via zoom.
Practical information:
- You must continue using Moodle for information and teaching, we will update Zealand.dk and Moodle continuously.
- If you have questions, regarding Zealand’s handling of the corona virus, you can contact corona@zealand.dk.
- If you are a student and have trouble getting access to Zealand’s online platforms you must contact helpdesk@zealand.dk. There will be no on-site IT support.
- For updates about the COVID-19 please look at coronasmitte.dk.
Update: March 20, 2020
Dear Zealand Students,
We are now close to finishing the first week with no on-site teaching at Zealand – we had a short deadline to prepare ourselves for this but luckily, the experience has been beyond expectations.
And, even though we have had challenges, all Zealand programmes report that: IT IS RUNNING, TEACHING IS ON AND YOU, STUDENTS, ARE ONLINE WITH US
– International coordinators and internship coordinators are in contact with all of our students abroad
– Our IT-department reports record high figures in the use of zoom etc.
– We are planning and organising the coming exams in case we need to run the exams differently or online
– Everybody is doing their absolute best
Continue the good job and keep on supporting each other – this is extremely important during the next couple of weeks.
We do not know for how long this lock down will last, and I sympathise with that this was not, what you as student expected. What is important is that we are all contributing to keeping the virus from spreading while you receive teaching and guidance.
We will of course orientate you when we know more about the lock down and its possible effect on your semester. Follow the teaching, use the guidance and keep updated regarding new initiatives through relevant platforms and media.
Have a good weekend,
Best Regards,
Ulla Skaarup, Rector
Update: March 13, 2020
Ministry of Higher Education and Science have gathered some common questions and answers about lessons, exams and internships, as a result of the Government’s decision to send all students and employees at the country’s higher education institutions home because of COVID-19 developments.
If you have questions about what or if the lockdown will impact your SU, you can learn more here.
Update: March 13, 2020
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has updated their travel guidelines and now advises against all unnecessary travel to all countries and advise everyone to travel home to Denmark.
We therefore strongly advise you to return back to Denmark as soon as possible.
If you have any questions you are welcome to contact internship coordinator Anne-Kathrine Skadhauge at ansk@zealand.dk /+45 50 76 26 28.
You can also contact Zealand’s corona mail corona@zealand.dk or The Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ global control center at bbb@um.dk / +45 33 92 11 12.
We know it is a difficult situation you are in, but we will do our best to help you with guidance and answers to your questions.
To our international students on exchange outside Denmark:
ZEALAND now recommend our exchange students abroad to come home (and you must define yourself where home is!)
You have 3 options:
1: You stay where you are. We do not recommend this – but the decision is yours. In case you stay it will be at your own decision and risk. Please also consult with your family back home on this decision!
2: Your return to Denmark asap. You will have to anticipate a longer travel time to get back to Denmark but you will of course be allowed to enter to Denmark. Keep all receipts for plane tickets etc. Try to have as much refunded before you leave (e.g. prepaid accommodation etc). For a force majeure in case you / we need to be able to document costs and expenses.
3: You return to the place/country you define as home. (same comments as above to point 2 about exceptional costs)
We are not able to make the decision on your behalf however our recommendation now is to come back to Denmark. Since the situation develops daily you are recommended to follow any news or updates here: https://politi.dk/en/corona-virus-covid-19-in-denmark
Please inform us your decision and connect with me or your International Mobility Ambassador:
· Students at Zealand Roskilde:
Ditte Marie Arbjerg: diar@zealand.dk; +45 5076 2673
· Students at Zealand Køge:
Anne-Kathrine Skadhauge:ansk@zealand.dk; +45 5076 2628
Update: March 12, 2020
The Danish Prime minister urgently announced that Denmark will lock down from now and no later than Friday, March 13. Initially all public institutions, including Universities and thus ZEALAND, will close for the next 2 weeks. Initially the lock down will be effective until March 27. However, the lock down may be extended even further. Already now we are taking measures to deliver lectures and teaching online. We urge you to orientate yourself online and follow instructions posted on moodle.
Why a lock down?
It is important to avoid panic. The corona virus, COVID-19, has NOT become more serious. The reason for lock down at this point, is a dramatic increase in the number of persons effected by COVID-19 in Denmark. The lock down is created to ensure that the Danish healthcare system can maintain control and capacity to take care of the infected and weak in our society.
How does it affect you?
You should stay at your home here in Denmark. If you need to go out then avoid larger groups. Keep a distance to other people.
It is important that you follow the news and updates on the situation from the authorities here: https://politi.dk/en/corona-virus-covid-19-in-denmark and on: https://www.zealand.dk/corona/
Health authorities and hospitals are working and in case you fall ill you should contact them asap (by telephone). Supermarkets are also open and you don’t need to fear a shortage of goods available.
We strongly recommend that you connect with your family back home. If you should decide to go back home then you must observe any travel restrictions imposed on Denmark. Already now we can see that selected countries impose restriction on travellers from Denmark. You should also prepare yourself that you might need to go through 14 days home/self-quarantine.
In case you decide to go back home please inform us via your point of contact at your department:
· Students at Zealand Roskilde:
Ditte Marie Arbjerg: diar@zealand.dk; +45 5076 2673
- Students at Zealand Næstved:
Helene Johansen: hejo@zealand.dk; +45 3026 0845 - Students at Zealand Køge:
Anne-Kathrine Skadhauge: ansk@zealand.dk ; +45 5076 2628
Further information
- Teaching and work continues from home. Please orientate yourself at Moodle regarding teaching. All employees at Zealand will work from home in order to support teaching and coming exams.
- We will update Zealand.dk and Moodle continuously.
- If you are unable to participate in distance learning, no matter the cause, you must report this to you teacher.
- If you have questions regarding Zealand’s handling of the corona virus you can contact corona@zealand.dk.
- Are you student and have trouble getting access to Zealand’s online platforms you must contact helpdesk@zealand.dk There will be no on-site IT support.
Due to uncertainty regarding reopening of the Danish borders, following conditions apply for admission of international students September 2020:
- Zealand expects physical reopening of the institution after the summer holidays which means that all international programs will have normal teaching. Here applies standard terms of payment for NON EU students.
- If the Danish authorities do not allow entry of international students as of 1 September 2020, Zealand will carry out teaching digitally. We have gained lots of experience with digital teaching during the physical lockdown of Zealand this spring.
- If the Danish authorities only allows entry for some groups of international students as of 1 September 2020, and therefore maybe not all of our international students, Zealand will carry out teaching both digitally and physically for the affected programs.
- If the Danish authorities does allow entry for Zealand’s international students as of 15 October 2020 – and there is no clarification of when the students can enter Denmark – following applies:
o NON EU students, who cannot enter Denmark, will be reimbursed of the semester fee (minus administrative fee) or they will get assurance of a student place at next study start.
o EU students who cannot enter Denmark will get assurance of a student place at next study start.
o NB! In both cases Zealand does not reimburse other expenses connected to study start, such as books, IT equipment etc.